A beautiful incentive

As much as I try to save I always seem to find a way of transferring my savings into my current account so I can treat myself to this and that instead of keeping the money for the things I really need. Currently I am aiming to save up to move house, for film equipment and also for travelling. Now that's a lot of saving! After deciding to go on a last minute holiday away with some friends I now have £0.00 of savings which is actually pretty devastating but I guess you can always earn more money. To stop myself from spending my savings I have decided to have separate money boxes labelled for the various things I wish to save for, allowing me to physically see my money and what I'm aiming for and in the hopes that I don't spend any of it on unnecessary things. 

So to do this I needed a minimum of three jars for my future house, film equipment and travelling, but I didn't want to spend any money. My mum happens to drink Kenco coffee and she kindly donated her empty coffee jars to me which are actually perfect as money boxes or even vases! Obviously you don't really want to Kenco label on them or the blue lid...unless you like that kind of thing. I wanted a more urban/modern look going on that would easily fit into the decor of my room. So here's how I glammed up some Kenco coffee jars into beautiful money boxes!
1. Get a coffee jar.

2. Fill your sink up with hot water and allow the jar to soak for a couple of minutes. 
3. Once soaked you should be able to easily peel the labels off.

4. Under the labels you may find a date and time the coffee was packaged, you can just use a scouring sponge to scrub this off, leaving the jar nice and clear.

Now for the glamour!
5. Get some metallic spray. I had some already in a rose gold/copper colour which I bought from B&Q. It is currently being sold at £8.24 which seems a little pricy but a little goes a long way.
6. Grab some old newspaper or anything you don't mind getting spray paint on to protect the floor outside, don't want any angry parents or partners now do we!
7. Place your lid on the paper and spray the whole thing, holding the can around 30cm away from the object.
8. Leave the lid to dry in the sun if possible for about five minutes. This was hard for me as i'm a bit impatient and a tad excited so I did have to re-spray it to cover my fingerprints.
9. Once dry, turn over and repeat the process. No point making the outside look pretty and leaving the inside looking like it's cheap original self.

10. You now have a really beautiful vase for the flowers from your garden or money box for all of your savings! Plus the rose gold/copper spray really make it look like an upmarket piece and gives it that instagram-able homeware look. So why not make your savings look great and get some extra likes on your social media platforms. Plus you get to have fun whilst diy-ing whether it's by yourself if with a partner or family. Win Win in my book!

Hope you enjoyed this easy diy. If you try it out, let me know and send me your pics!

- Hannah x


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